Saturday, August 1, 2015

World Map: Wielders of the North Series

Marking that to-do note done!
World Map Updated on Aug 24, 2015
I'll probably be editing this post later on to add more topographical details. Here are general notes on the territories:
Dakeldum/Dark Mountains: This is the land north of the Sullen River where powerful, immortal animal-like creatures reside. The land is said to be enchanted as a great mist protects it from sorcerers and humans with unclean hearts (those who deal with sorcerers). The mountains have dense forests and lush greenery. Unlike the rest of the continent, the soil in the mountains do not seem to be affected by the curse. The mountains are called dark because of its alpine peaks which appear dark, because of its tall hardwood and lushness. It is said that the way to the Northern Land/The Wielders of the North is hidden in the Dark Mountains.
The Empire of Two Moons: This includes the land south of the Sullen River until the tip of the Dry Lands where the Southern Wall was built (in the Second Age) to protect the Empire from the Outlanders. The Empire consists of five kingdoms or nations:
(1) Shen'ayim known for its wise, skillful and strong people
(2) Hariston known for its naval skills
(3) Anira is a plateau in the west coast --- the Empire's main source of grain
(4) Egula is the island in a lake in the center of Anira. It is the seat of the Emperor and the center of Education, Architecture and Weaponry. Boys are sent to Egula to train for war.
(5) Jarvis consists of a network of mining towns in the Borderlands, along the Southern Wall
Humans who have pledged allegiance to the Emperor are called 'citizens of the Empire' or 'Sons/Daughters of the two moons'.
The Dry Lands/Outlanders' Territory: This includes the land from the Desert of Maradi southwards. Any territory in the continent that has not pledged allegiance to the Empire. Being lawless, the residents of the Dry Lands are said to have a sinister nature and many practice sorcery. Humans who live in this area are called Outlanders.
The Lands Beyond the Sea: These includes islands and other continents in/beyond the West Sea and the Obisidian Sea. They maintain neutral relations with the Outlanders and the Empire.They are generally referred to as 'Islanders'.

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